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Instagram as Medium for Youth to Form Political Image (Study on Instagram Account @BMIDKI)
Yohanes Ray Ginjara

Diponegoro University


In this digital era, social media has an important role in creating the image of an organization. Banteng Muda Indonesia is a wing organization Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) which was founded on 29 March 2000. Banteng Muda Indonesia is a medium for nationalistic youth from various backgrounds to voice their aspirations. As a political organization, Banteng Muda Indonesia has an interest to gain the peoples sympathy, especially from the youth. In older days, politics used to be seen as scary and far from the youth. Young people used to watch their older compatriots peformed political movements from afar. Nowadays, a lot of young people from the millenial generation are interested in politics. This research aims to uncover the strategy of Banteng Muda Indonesia Dewan Perwakilan Daerah DKI Jakarta in creating their image through photos and videos of their activities in the Instagram account @bmidki. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with the research subject of Bidang Media dan Informasi Organisasi Banteng Muda Indonesia Dewan Perwakilan Daerah DKI Jakarta as well as their Instagram account. The result of this research shows that this organization forms their image by showing their activities which directly touch the everyday lives of young people. The activities include building businesses in the digital era, providing social help to arson or natural disaster victims, supporting the youth to stay optimistic, competing in a healthy manner, and succeeding without drugs. The pictures uploaded on the account give a sense that politics can be done through fun activities. Instagram was chosen due to its prevalent use by young people of today.

Topic: Digital Media Optimalization For Corporate Reputation and Marketing Communication

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